Simran Imran lives in Chawinda, Pakistan with her mother and brother. Simran was very young when her father passed away through cancer. The family were facing financial problems during his cancer treatment and after he passed away they were left with nothing.
Simran’s education was also affected when her father passed and she struggled with school in her first years. We met Simran in 2015, and her life and education changed for the better when she was enrolled on our sponsorship programme.
We asked Simran’s mother how she feels about her daughter’s education: “She is a brilliant student, and is doing well in class every year. “Education is so important, it’s like water and air for a person, without education a person is blind.” Simran studies hard at school and is doing well in her exams, achieving a 1st class prize for her efforts.
When we asked her what her favourite subject was, Simran told us it was science: “It’s my favourite subject because it’s amazing and has wonderful topics and activities.”
“I want to do good and be a doctor in the future, this is my dream.”
Now, thanks to sponsorship from Orphans in Need, all of this has changed…
After our visit, it was clear to see Simran has a passion for life and wants to help others. She said if she could change anything about her village, she would try change the attitudes of people and get them to help out more to make it a cleaner place for all: “When I am a doctor in the future, I will show people how to clean, they will follow me and my advice, this is how I will change the village.”
Our final question to Simran was how she felt our sponsorship programme had helped her and her response said it all:
“This programme will help me to achieve my goal, the continued scholarship will provide me with good education facilities, and will sponsor my higher education studies in the future.”
“The programme is very good and fills the missing void of my father, it plays the role that he would have wanted to take part in.”
We think this young lady is a true inspiration to us all!