Our Jummah Giving program allows you to effortlessly automate your Frida...
As we gather with our families to share the blessings of Iftar, let us n...
Support our Gaza Appeal to provide support to families affected by the o...
From just £5.00 per month
By giving to the Where Most Needed fund, you enable us to provide vital ...
From just £30.00 per month
Our orphan sponsorship programme offers vulnerable children a way out of...
From just £30.00 per month
No mother wants to see her children go hungry. Our food parcel donations...
From just £35.00 per month
All children, particularly orphans, need a safe place to grow. Caring fo...
From just £12.50 per month
There are orphaned children awaiting sponsorship in Gaza right now, eage...
From just £30.00 per month
Sadaqah Jariyah is an investment for eternity. By easing the hardships o...
From just £3.00 per month
Give the gift of a new home to a widow and her orphan children.
From just £667.00 per month