
• 17 February

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Mukhtiar Mai

Mukhtiar’s Story: A Cry for Hope and Humanity

In a world where millions struggle in silence, Mukhtiar’s voice echoes a desperate plea for help. A widow, a mother, and a survivor from Pakistan, Mukhtiar’s journey is one of immense hardship, unimaginable loss, and unwavering faith. Her story is not just a reflection of her struggles - it is a call to action for all of us.

A Life Shattered by Tragedy

Mukhtiar’s life changed forever with the devastating loss of her son. The pain of burying a child is indescribable, and for Mukhtiar, it marked the beginning of an even more difficult journey. Left with nothing but grief and the responsibility of her remaining children, she found herself on the edge of survival, forced to navigate a world that seemed to have forgotten her.

The Harsh Reality of Poverty

Mukhtiar’s circumstances are dire. She lives in extreme poverty, struggling to provide the most basic necessities for her family.

“I am sitting very worried, that I have nothing.”

Her home, if it can be called that, is falling apart. There is no comfort, no warmth, no safety. She speaks of eating ‘mud,’ a stark metaphor for the emptiness of her home and kitchen.

She has no means of earning a livelihood and is left with no choice but to ask for help, something she does with a heavy heart.

“I have to ask for bread… ask for shoes… ask for clothes.”

Her words carry the weight of humiliation, a pain no mother should have to endure. Despite her circumstances, Mukhtiar’s biggest fear is not for herself, but for her children.


A Mother’s Desperate Plea

Mukhtiar worries about her children, with no food, no shelter, and no security, their future is uncertain. The line between survival and despair is razor-thin, and without intervention, they could lose everything.

Mukhtiar does not want pity; she wants dignity. She is not asking for luxury, only for a chance. A chance to build a home, to find work, to stand on her own feet. Her dream is simple yet powerful—to provide for her children, to give them a future, and one day, to fulfill her faith by making the sacred journey to Hajj.

“If I get a home and work, God willing, I can do it, God willing, be successful, God willing, go to Hajj.”

Faith in the Face of Despair

Despite everything, Mukhtiar has not lost hope. Her faith remains unshaken, her belief in the kindness of humanity unwavering. She knows that with the right support, her circumstances can change.

“God is great.”

These are not just words; they are the foundation of her resilience. She believes that there are people out there—people like you—who will hear her story and answer her call for help.

How You Can Make a Difference

Mukhtiar needs urgent assistance, and your support can transform her life. By extending a helping hand, you can:

Provide food and essentials - Ensure Mukhtiar and her children do not go hungry.
Help build a home - Give them a safe, secure home, allowing them to live with dignity.
Sponsor her family - Provide Mukhtair and her children with regular food, medical care, and help with school fees.

Your kindness can be the answer to Mukhtiar’s prayers. It can restore her dignity, uplift her family, and offer her children a future filled with hope rather than fear.

Act Now. Stand With Mukhtiar.

Together, we can turn her desperate cry into a story of triumph. Will you be the one to make a difference?


Can provide a Food Parcel to a widowed family of five this Ramadan


Can provide THREE Food Parcels to widowed families this Ramadan


Sponsor a widowed mother and her orphaned children. Provide food, medical care and help with school fees.


Sponsor a widowed mother and her orphaned children. Provide food, medical care and help with school fees.


Build one widow home for a widowed mother and her orphaned children.


Build one widow home for a widowed mother and her orphaned children.


This Ramadan, let your compassion shine. Be the one who answers prayers and fills hearts with hope. Your kindness can change lives.