
• 18 January

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Can You Give Charity on Behalf of Someone Else in Islam?

It goes without saying that in Islam giving charity is central to the religion. It’s a form of purifying wealth and helping those who need it most. There are a number of ways to give charity in Islam, but is it possible to do this on behalf of someone who has passed on? Giving charity to family in Islam, even when they have passed on, provides them with a number of benefits. So, discover more about giving charity on behalf of someone else in Islam below.

Ways to Give Charity in Islam

Since there are so many ways to give charity in Islam, the ability to do so isn’t dependent on a person’s financial status. Detailed below are just some of the forms of charity in Islam:

  • Zakat – Zakat is the third of the Five Pillars of Islam. It’s an obligatory mode of charity that those who meet the Nisab threshold must pay. It requires eligible Muslims to give 2.5% of their accumulated wealth annually to those in need. Zakat works to ensure the equitable distribution of wealth to help alleviate poverty.
  • Sadaqah – Sadaqah differs from Zakat in the sense that it’s voluntary and can be given at any time and in any amount. It can come in the form of monetary donations, acts of kindness, and physical assistance. Sadaqah is one of the broadest forms of charity.
  • Sadaqah Jariyah – Like Sadaqah, Sadaqah Jariyah is completely voluntary; however, it’s a mode of continuous charity that benefits others even after the donor has passed. This might include building a school, digging a well, or planting trees.
Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah is an investment for eternity. By easing the hardships o...

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Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah is an investment for eternity. By easing the hardships of those in need today, we send forth deeds that will benefit us and our loved ones in the hereafter.

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Zakat Appeal

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The Benefits of Giving Charity in Islam

Charity in Islam goes way beyond being a social responsibility – it’s a deeply spiritual act with multiple benefits, including the following:

  • Helping others – When you give charity, you help those who need it most. From building water wells to providing food packages, charity has the power to save lives.
  • Purification of wealth – By redistributing a portion of your wealth, you prevent hoarding it and ensure its circulation in the economy.
  • Spiritual growth – Giving charity strengthens a person’s faith and dependence on Allah (SWT). This is because it’s a practical demonstration of a person’s gratitude for what Allah (SWT) has blessed them with, all while fostering a sense of empathy and compassion.
  • Protection from calamities – Charity acts as a shield that protects the giver from unforeseen troubles and hardships. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity” (Tirmidhi).
  • Increased blessings – Allah (SWT) enhances the wealth of those who give charity in other ways. In the Qur’an, it says, “The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain that sprouts seven ears; in every ear, there are a hundred grains. Allah multiplies His reward for whom He wills” (Quran 2:261).
  • Reward in the Hereafter – Charity benefits the giver in the Hereafter with the promise of immense rewards. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity); knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him” (Muslim).

How to Give Charity in Someone’s Name in Islam

Many people choose to give charity on behalf of someone who has passed, as it can bring immense benefits to the giver and the recipient alike. Giving charity on behalf of someone else involves the following:

  • Intention (Niyyah) – In order to give charity on behalf of someone else, you must make the intention to do so. The giver needs to make it abundantly clear that the charity is being carried out on behalf of the specified individual, and this can be done silently or verbally.
  • Types of charity – Charity on behalf of someone else can come in many forms, from one-time donations to continuous charity.
  • Permissibility – It’s widely agreed that Muslims may give charity on behalf of the living and the deceased. In fact, this was approved by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Collective charity – Family members can pool their resources to give charity on behalf of a loved one. Not only does this amplify the impact of the charity, but it also strengthens familial bonds.
  • Supplications and duas – In addition to giving charity, it’s recommended that you make duas for the person on whose behalf the charity is given. These prayers work to provide comfort in the Hereafter.

Giving Charity on Behalf of the Deceased with Orphans in Need

Whether you’re donating on your own behalf or on behalf of someone else, Orphans in Need accepts your donations. There are millions of people out there who need your help, so please don’t delay in giving generously.