
• 17 February

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Who Was the First Prophet of Islam?

In Islam, prophets are individuals who are believed to be messengers from Allah (SWT) who spread his message and teachings to people on earth. Not only was Adam the first human being on Earth, but he was also the first prophet. It’s believed that Allah (SWT) created Adam from clay and gave him the ability to think logically and the role of the Khalifa, which is a title meaning “successor”, “ruler”, or “leader”. As a result, Adam is commonly referred to as “the father of the human race.”

Muslims are encouraged to follow in the footsteps of the prophets by doing all they can to please Allah (SWT). This includes sharing their wealth with the less fortunate, which you can achieve by donating to Orphans in Need.

The First 10 Prophets of Islam

  1. Adam
  2. Idris
  3. Nuh
  4. Hud
  5. Saleh
  6. Ibrahim
  7. Lut
  8. Ismail
  9. Ishaq
  10. Yaqub

The Islamic Prophets Order

There were 25 prophets in total, and the rest of the prophets' names are as follows:

  1. Yusuf
  2. Ayyub
  3. Shu-ayyb
  4. Musa
  5. Harun
  6. Dhu’l-Kifl
  7. Dawud
  8. Sulaiman
  9. Ilyas
  10. Al-Yasa
  11. Yunus
  12. Zakariyya
  13. Yahya
  14. Isa
  15. Muhammad (PBUH)

A Timeline of the Prophets in Islam

  1. Adam – Being the first human being, Adam’s exact time period isn’t defined.
  2. Idris – Pre-flood era.
  3. Nuh – Approximately 950 years before the flood (the Pre-Abrahamic period).
  4. Hud – Post-flood era.
  5. Saleh – Post-flood era.
  6. Ibrahim – Approximately 2000 BCE.
  7. Lut – Contemporary with Ibrahim.
  8. Ismail – Approximately 1900 BCE.
  9. Ishaq – Approximately 1900 BCE.
  10. Yaqub – Approximately 1800 BCE.
  11. Yusuf – Approximately 1700 BCE.
  12. Ayyub – Post-Ibrahimic period.
  13. Shu-ayyb – Post-Ibrahimic period.
  14. Musa – Approximately 1300 BCE.
  15. Harun – Contemporary with Musa.
  16. Dhu’l-Kifl – Likely post-Musa era.
  17. Dawud – Approximately 1000 BCE.
  18. Sulaiman – Approximately 970–931 BCE.
  19. Ilyas – Post-Sulaiman era.
  20. Al-Yasa – Post-Ilyas era.
  21. Yunus – Approximately 8th century BCE.
  22. Zakariyya – Approximately 1st century BCE.
  23. Yahya – 1st century CE.
  24. Isa – 1st century CE.
  25. Muhammad (PBUH) – 570-632 CE.

The Islamic Prophets Family Tree

Prophet Adam

  • Spouse: Hawwa


  • Sheeth: While he’s often not listed among the 25 prophets, Sheeth is considered a prophet and the main continuation of Adam’s lineage.
  • Qabil and Habil: Not prophets, but significant in Islamic tradition.

Prophet Nuh

  • Direct descendant: From the lineage of Sheeth.


  • Ham, Shem, and Japheth: Only Shem’s lineage continues the prophetic line.

Prophet Ibrahim

  • Direct Descendant: From the lineage of Shem.


  • Sarah: Mother of Prophet Ishaq.
  • Hajar (Hagar): Mother of Prophet Ismail.


  • Ismail: Ancestor of the Arab people and the lineage of Prophet Muhammad.
  • Ishaq: Ancestor of the Israelites and many other prophets.

Prophets from the Line of Ishaq

  • Prophet Yaqub: Son of Ishaq.
  • Also known as Israel, father of the twelve tribes of Israel.


  • Yusuf: A prophet among the twelve sons of Yaqub.
  • Prophet Musa: From the lineage of Yaqub, central to the story of the Exodus.
  • Prophet Harun: Brother of Musa, also a prophet.
  • Prophet Dawud: From the lineage of Yaqub, he became the King of Israel.
  • Prophet Sulaiman: Son of Dawud, known for his wisdom and rule.

Prophets from the Line of Ismail

  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): The final prophet in Islam, directly descended from Ismail through the lineage of Adnan, a key ancestor of the Prophet's tribe, the Quraysh.

Other Notable Prophets

  • Prophet Lut: Nephew of Ibrahim, sent to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.
  • Prophet Ayyub: Believed to be a descendant of either Ishaq or from a different line but within the family of Ibrahim.
  • Prophet Shu-ayyb: Possibly linked to the lineage of Ibrahim, though the exact connection is not clearly established.
  • Prophet Yunus: Believed to be from the line of Ibrahim, though the exact genealogical connection is unclear.
  • Prophet Zakariyya and Prophet Yahya: From the lineage of Yaqub.
  • Prophet Isa: Son of Maryam, who is from the lineage of Yaqub through her father Imran, making Isa a descendant of Ishaq.

Follow in the Footsteps of the Prophets with Orphans in Need

Since the prophets were placed on Earth to spread Allah’s (SWT) teachings, they were very charitable beings. As a result, any Muslim who wishes to follow in the illustrious footsteps of the prophets and please Allah (SWT) must give generously to charity.

Here at Orphans in Need, we accept various types of charity, including ones that are specific to Islam. This includes forms of compulsory and voluntary charity alike, allowing Muslims to fulfil their religious obligations.

Head to our general donation page to discover our various appeals and follow in the footsteps of the prophets. Even the smallest donations have the power to change the world.