
• 17 February

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Mother’s Day

Mothering Sunday will fall on 27th March this year, meaning that many of us will be on the hunt for a present for one of the most special women in our lives. Mother’s Day is a time in which we can celebrate our mothers and display our gratitude towards them for all that they do. Mothers in Islam are regarded as extremely respected figures, so we must honour them all year round. Despite this, Mother’s Day provides us with the perfect opportunity to give our mothers a well-deserved break.

Orphans in Need looks forward to celebrating Mother’s Day with you this year.

The Status of Mothers in Islam

Islam is the only faith that sufficiently honours mothers, providing them with a lofty and noble status. In fact, a mother’s status is higher than any other family member’s, with Allah (SWT) commanding that we always speak of our mothers in an honourable manner. On top of this, we’re expected to treat them with mercy and request that Allah (SWT) does the same. Essentially, being good to our mothers is a requirement of worshipping Allah (SWT), meaning we can’t underestimate the importance of treating our mothers well.

Mothers in Islam attain this high status as it is them who are subject to the struggle of giving birth and raising children. There is no stronger bond than between a mother and her child, and this is the only bond that also translates into the animal kingdom. Even mother animals will risk their lives in the name of protecting their young, displaying that the love that a mother has for her children is unmatched.

According to the Hadith, Heaven is beneath the feet of mothers, which only establishes the esteemed status of mothers even further.

Displaying Gratitude to Mothers who Work Hard for us in Ramadan

A mother is entitled to many rights in Islam. These include that her children should not offend her, they should spend on her if needed, obey her, fulfil her vows after death, and keep ties with her loved ones after her death.

This is all done in the name of displaying gratitude towards our mothers, which we should pay extra close attention to in Ramadan. Quite simply, our mothers are entitled to our unconditional respect and love, even more so than any other relative. These women endure the difficulty of giving birth and love and care for their children unconditionally. We must live our lives in compensation for everything that our mothers have done for us.

Making an Effort to Focus on Ibadah 

Ibadah means service or servitude but is more commonly translated to worship. It’s the duty of every Muslim to dedicate themselves to serving and worshipping Allah (SWT), and we should help our mothers to do this.

Since a mother is so focused on nurturing her children, she may struggle to invest as much time in building her relationship with Allah (SWT). No one is more deserving of a strong relationship with Allah (SWT) than our mothers, meaning we should do everything in our power to relieve them of hardship. This way, our mothers will be able to channel their energy into establishing a greater relationship with Allah (SWT), allowing them to reap rewards.

Protect a Widowed Mother this Mother’s Day

Although mothers have a lofty status in Islam, there are many poor mothers across the globe who aren’t given the status they deserve. This mostly applies to widows in developing countries who lose their husbands and consequently their support network. In many of the communities we work with, women aren’t able to access inheritance upon the loss of their husbands, leaving them homeless and penniless. Similarly, the attitude towards women means that they’re unable to find employment, whilst others are required to care for small children and simply can’t work.

No mother wants her child to go hungry, which is why we established our Widow and Orphan Food Parcel Appeal. From just £30 a month, you can provide a needy family of five with a food parcel that will see them through an entire month. These families rely on your donations, and without them, they will simply go hungry, resulting in malnourishment and, sometimes, death.

Learn More About the Status of Women in Islam with Orphans in Need

In order to discover more about the status of women in Islam, visit our blog to read about Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) beloved wife Khadija (RA). She was a fearless and courageous woman who was a credit to all women of Islam, and one whose teachings we should all follow.

We hope you’ve learnt a lot about the status of mothers and women in Islam. As always, you can make a general donation to our organisation here.