
• 17 September

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Your Zakat donation 2016

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The giving of your Zakat is both a sacred duty and the gift of opportunity. As a duty, Zakat is a requirement, an obligation for those more fortunate to offer support to those who cannot attain the wealth and position of others.

But Zakat provides the gift of responsible choice. Zakat allows you to determine how best your offering will benefit others. The lives of many will be influenced by your decision.

Many organisations and worthy causes need Zakat to support their vital work. There are so many underprivileged people it is sometimes a difficult choice for many Muslims. Where to donate, to whom and how much?

Orphans in Need supports over 20,000 orphans and widowed families throughout the world. For us, every orphan child deserves to live a happy and fulfilling life, where they can act out their hopes and aspirations in a safe and loving environment.

Over the last 10 years, with our knowledge and expertise, we have delivered brighter futures to thousands of orphans and widows across the 14 countries we work in. Where there was once darkness and peril, we have brought light and hope. Where stomachs were empty, we have brought nourishment.

We ask that you consider Orphans in Need as a force for change, as a well-managed provider of success, as a worthy recipient of your Zakat.

On behalf of thousands of orphans and widows, we thank you.