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World Orphans Day

On Monday 8 November, we will be observing World Orphans Day, as will millions of other people around the world.

On this day we will acknowledge the plight faced by orphans around the world, and as an orphan charity, we will be looking at ways we can bolster our resources and try and end the hardship felt by millions of children.

As World Orphans Day approaches, we’re encouraging parents to teach their children about children who have lost their parents, and who are facing hardship at such a young age. It can be hard for children to understand what life is like for those less fortunate, but it’s important they learn empathy and understanding from a young age so they can go on to make a difference in later life.

Here are some of the ways you and your children can make a difference this World Orphan Day, as well as some of the benefits doing such activities can have in later life.

Fundraising Ideas

Here at Orphans in Need, we specialize in providing relief to orphans around the world in some of the most deprived countries. We rely on donations from kind donors so we can continue to carry out our life-changing and often life-saving work. You can help us to make a difference to a child in need by hosting a fundraising event. This is something you can get your child fully involved in, and there are lots of fun ways you can go about raising money.

You could host a bake sale and get your child and their friends to bake some delicious treats to sell. Alternatively, you could host afternoon tea for them and their friends, or even members of the local community. Car washes are a great option and get children up and active at the same time as raising money. If you don’t have the resources to do activities like the ones mentioned, a simple door-to-door moneybox collection is just as effective. To help highlight to people the importance of donating, you could tell them some facts about orphans. Check out the list of fast facts further down the page to learn more.

Kind Donation

Sometimes, children learn best when they can see an immediate effect of their actions. With this in mind, you can encourage them to collect supplies to make a kind donation of their choice. You could take them shopping and ask them to pick out food and sanitary items to donate to a local food bank or homeless shelter. Lots of shelters accommodate children and families who don’t have much, and each donation provides immediate relief to someone in need.

As well as food and sanitary products, you can encourage your child to give their old clothes, toys, and books to a charity shop or someone else in need. This cultivates a habit of giving and will stay with them for life.

For a more direct result, you can take them to buy sandwiches, drinks, and warm blankets to help local homeless people. It’s a good idea to ask the homeless person what food they like and if they’re allergic to anything, otherwise your donation could miss the mark.

You can do one donation, or you could make it a regular thing. This will teach your child about the importance of giving, and they’ll gain lots from it, too. Studies show that children are altruistic from a young age, with the majority feeling better after giving than receiving. Not just this, but in some countries, charitable giving is decreasing. By teaching your children to give and share resources from a young age, we can tackle the impending shortfall.


World Orphans Day

Sometimes, children might now know what exact cause they want to give to, or they might want to make a bigger donation. In this case, you can give them autonomy over their giving by setting up a moneybox. If you choose to go down the monetary donation route, giving money will teach them budgeting tips and finance lessons, something that is particularly useful as they grow older.

However, if your child chooses to make a difference, be it with a food donation to a homeless shelter or by giving money to a local children’s charity like Orphans in Need, it will make an impact on someone who needs it. Not just this – giving to charity and teaching children about the importance of doing so opens them to other cultures and experiences, helping them to become more empathetic and well-rounded individuals as they grow up.

Small Gestures

As the saying goes, charity starts at home. You never know what someone is going through, and there are lots of people facing hardship right here in the UK. There’s even a chance that your child goes to school with a child who has lost their parent(s). Small gestures are a great place to start and to show people that you’re a caring person with a big heart, and sometimes, they can have the biggest impact of all. You can do things like encouraging your child to smile at strangers, give compliments out of the blue, hold doors open, call friends and family to touch base, and visit those who are unwell and lonely.


Fast Facts

If you’re planning on doing some fundraising, or if you simply want to learn more about orphans with World Orphan Day, here are some fast facts:

  • There are around 153 million orphaned children worldwide
  • There are two types of orphans: single orphans (children who have lost one parent) and double orphans (children who have lost both parents)
  • Of all the orphans worldwide, approximately 17.8 million are double orphans
  • There are approximately 85,000 children in the UK who are not looked after by their parents
  • Orphans have a life expectancy of less than 30 years old if not provided with support
Donate to Orphans in Need Today

We encourage you to do what you can to help orphans around the world this World Orphan Day. We will be most grateful for any donations to our orphan appeal, and we know the children we are able to help through your kind generosity will be forever appreciative – especially of other children who have helped them.