
• 18 January

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What We’re Doing to Help Orphans in India

Orphans in Need is a global charity working to help orphans in India and other disadvantaged areas. India has the largest number of orphans in the world, which calls for drastic measures to support these vulnerable children. Our dedicated team works hard to provide essential survival supplies to orphans and widowed families in India. As a leading charity for orphans in India, Orphans in Need is running various projects to help the orphans. Our support programmes range from vital food aid to sponsorship and help for orphanages.  

It is heartbreaking to see young children abandoned in the streets. Read on to find out more about how we are helping orphans in India. 

Orphans In Need Addressing the Crisis of 30 Million Orphans in India

India has around 30 million orphans, who make up a significant percentage of its young population. Out of the orphaned children, only 370,000 are housed in charitable institutions. According to a study conducted in 2017, India has 9,589 orphanages, most of which depend on charitable donations for their work. These figures suggest that the remaining children are living outside a care home, most probably in the streets. There is a great need to find ways of supporting these children as well as the charities working to help the orphans.  

The Orphan Village of Delhi Providing Hope and Care for 300 Orphans

The Orphan Village of Delhi is a flagship project of Orphans in Need. Built in the bustling city of Delhi, the village accommodates around 300 orphans and 40 widows. With state-of-the-art facilities and clean living spaces, it aims to provide healthy meals, suitable clothing and educational facilities to vulnerable children. The Orphan Village boasts trained staff, a trauma care facility and special needs arrangements.  

Your generous donations have enabled Orphans in Need to provide a loving home to the orphans in India. As a pioneering project, it aims to serve as a model, leading the way for similar care homes in other areas. Orphans in Need requires your help to continue caring for the orphans and initiate viable projects. Continue to support our work by donating to our orphan support programmes and make way for a positive future. 

Global Orphan Care

Orphans in Need’s Global Orphan Care programme aims to support vulnerable children worldwide. Our Global Care project supports orphanages in India and elsewhere with the required supplies to support orphans. Many orphanages lack funds and resources to help a large number of children. Orphans in Need ensures they are supported in their crucial work by providing them the aid they need to function properly.  

Global care programmes also involve helping orphans in the street. Our teams save the orphans living in the streets by registering them with local authorities and taking them to an orphan home. You can help by donating to a rescue kit that includes necessities such as water, clothing, and medical supplies. Monthly donations towards the Global Orphan Care project start from as little as £2. You can save someone’s life by spending a small amount. Donate generously to give an orphan child a gift of hope and the promise of a brighter future.  

Widow and Orphans’ Food Parcels

In addition to the above-mentioned projects, Orphans in Need also provides food parcels to orphans and widows in multiple countries across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The food packs contain the necessities to protect the vulnerable against starvation and malnutrition. A donation of £35 can buy a family of five life-saving food for the whole month. Donate generously to support Orphans in Need and help save lives.   

How to Help Orphans in India

It is important to help the orphan children of a country that has the second biggest population in the world. Ignoring their plight is not only inhumane but also destructive to the economic growth of the society they live in. It is challenging to house all the street orphans in India. Nevertheless, it is possible if we all come together to make this colossal task easier. You can play your part by taking the following positive steps.  

Visit Orphans in Need to donate to orphans in India. Respond to its current appeals to support children in need and save them from harm.  You can give any amount, as no donation is too small. Donate now and help save precious lives.