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Charity in Islam is very important and plays a big role. There are many ways charity is given in Islam, and one of those ways is through Sadaqah Jariyah.
Translated to English, the Sadaqah Jariyah meaning is ‘voluntary charity’. It is sometimes called ‘alms’, which means giving something to someone in need. The Sadaqah Jariyah definition is the act of voluntarily making a long-term charitable contribution that continues to benefit someone other than yourself.
The meaning of Sadaqah Jariyah and Sadaqah aren’t the same, despite the fact they share a similar name. Sadaqah is the act of giving short-term charity, such as buying a meal for a homeless person, which will see them through one day. Sadaqah Jariyah is the act of giving long-term charity, such as donating water wells to a community that lacks access to clean water, which will support them for months and years to come. The difference between Sadaqah and Sadaqah Jariyah is the longevity of the impact.
There are many things a Muslim may do that are considered forms of Sadaqah Jariyah. Sadaqah Jariyah examples include the following:
These are just some acts of Sadaqah Jariyah, but anything that benefits someone in need for an extended period of time may be considered Sadaqah Jariyah.
Sadaqah Jariyah is an investment for eternity. By easing the hardships o...
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Any act of charity is greatly appreciated and pleases Allah (SWT), especially Sadaqah Jariyah, which continues to give support to someone who needs it. Whilst this is true, there are some causes that may be considered more of a priority than others, including the act of donating a water well or planting food-bearing crops. Hunger and thirst are deadly issues that still affect so many people around the world, but every donation towards easing the effects of hunger and thirst has the power to save a life immediately.
Muslims give Sadaqah Jariyah to help brothers and sisters in need. Muslims who give charity are rewarded for doing so, but the rewards for donating Sadaqah Jariyah are greater because, as long as the act of charity benefits someone, the donor will be rewarded. These rewards can come in the form of personal satisfaction, spiritual growth, and the pleasure of knowing your contribution will make a lasting impact.
“Surely the men who give Sadaqah and the women who give Sadaqah and have advanced a good loan to Allah (SWT); for them, it will be multiplied, and for them, there is a noble reward.”
Every Muslim should work as much as they can to carry out Sadaqah Jariyah. Since this mode of charity doesn’t have to come in the form of a monetary contribution, finances don’t have to impact someone’s ability to engage in acts of Sadaqah Jariyah. Islam is built upon the foundation of redistributing wealth to help work towards a fair existence that’s free from poverty. As a result, all Muslims should work to dedicate their lives to this global mission.
It’s quite common for Muslims to give Sadaqah Jariyah on behalf of loved ones who have passed away. This is because it’s believed to benefit the souls of the deceased and earn ongoing rewards for them.
Sadaqah Jariyah is always rewarding; however, there are certain times and occasions in Islam that may enhance its reward. This might include the holy month of Ramadan, on Fridays, or on special Islamic holidays like Eid.
You may give Sadaqah Jariyah by carrying out an act yourself, or you may do it by making a charitable donation to Orphans in Need to one of our appeals like our Sponsor an Orphan Appeal.