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All About Muharram 2025

Muharram is the name of the first month in the Islamic calendar, and it marks the Hijrah (emigration) of the Muslims from Makkah to Madina, as well as the beginning of the Islamic New Year. The term ‘Muharram’ derives from the root word ‘haram’, meaning ‘forbidden’, and the Ka’bah (Al Masjid Al Haram) also derives from this same Arabic word. This name relates to the fact that fighting in this sacred month is forbidden, which ensures Muslims can go and return from Hajj safely. As it is a sacred month, Muslims observe Muharram by fasting, praising and worshipping Allah (SWT, refraining from sinning and donating to charity.


When is Muharram 2025?

This year, the month of Muharram starts on the evening of Sunday, 27 June 2025, in the UK and around the world. Muharram 2025 is particularly significant as it marks the beginning of a new Islamic year. Muslims globally will be observing various rituals and practices during this sacred month.

The Importance of Fasting in Muharram

Although it is not obligatory to fast this month, it is highly recommended to do so as much as possible. This is encouraged by the hadith: “The best fasting after Ramadan is the fasting of Muharram” (Muslim). Fasting on certain dates that hold special significance to Muslims during this month is particularly recommended, especially the 10th day of Muharram, known as the Day of Ashura, which means ‘the tenth’. To distinguish from the Jewish practice of fasting on the 10th, it is recommended to fast either on the 9th and 10th or the 10th and 11th days of Muharram, but it is also adequate to fast on the 10th alone.

Muharram 2025, which falls on 6 July 2025, is a day when many Muslims will be fasting, seeking to emulate the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and attain the spiritual benefits associated with this sacred day.

Historical Events of Muharram

While many significant events have occurred during the month of Muharram, two main ones are particularly reflected upon by Muslims during this month:

  1. The Martyrdom of Hussain Ibn Ali (RA): This tragic event occurred during the Battle of Karbala. Hussain Ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was martyred, and this is a day of profound mourning for Shia Muslims. They commemorate his sacrifice with processions, recitations, and other acts of remembrance.
  2. The Splitting of the Sea for Musa (AS): This event, where Allah (SWT) split the sea to save Prophet Musa (AS) and his followers from Pharaoh, is particularly significant for Sunni Muslims. They reflect on this miraculous event, increasing their worship and praise of Allah (SWT) during this sacred month.

Recommended Practices During Muharram

It is recommended that you make dua and seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT) during Muharram. There are specific duas that many Muslims recite during this time, which can be said at certain times throughout the month. By learning more about Muharram, reciting these duas, and increasing worship, Muslims can make the most of this sacred month.

There are many virtues in the month of Muharram. Good deeds and actions performed during this time are believed to carry more reward, encouraging Muslims to increase acts of charity, praise of Allah (SWT), and Quranic recitation to draw closer to Him. However, sins committed in this month are also considered more severe, so it is essential to refrain from sinning.

Making the Most out of Muharram

Muharram 2025 is a sacred and significant month for Muslims worldwide, beginning on 27 June. Muharram 2025 is especially important, marked by fasting and reflection. Whether reflecting on the martyrdom of Hussain Ibn Ali (RA) or the deliverance of Musa (AS) and his followers, Muharram is a time for spiritual growth, increased worship, and seeking forgiveness. Understanding the importance of this month and participating in its observances can help Muslims strengthen their faith and draw closer to Allah (SWT).

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can ensure that you make the most of Muharram 2025, embracing its virtues and significance to enhance your spiritual journey. You might also take this sacred month as an opportunity to increase your charitable giving, and Orphans in Need accepts these donations to distribute them among those who need it most.
