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How to Celebrate Eid al-Adha in 2025

Eid al-Adha is also known as the Eid of sacrifice or festival of the sacrifice. The Prophet (SAW) is reported to have mentioned this Eid as the joyous festival for Muslims.

“The day of Arafah, the day of Sacrifice, and the days of al-Tashriq are our festival, us Muslims, and they are days of eating and drinking.”  [Tirmidhi, 773]

Eid al-Adha takes place on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah and lasts for three days. It is one of the two celebrations Muslims observe as a community. Eid al-Adha accompanies the practice of Qurbani and the pilgrimage of Hajj. Because of the sanctity of Dhul Hijjah, Eid-al-Adha is considered to be the better and greater of the two Eid’s.


How to Celebrate Eid al-Adha

Muslim celebrations are influenced by the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah. Eid-al-Adha celebrations begin with Takbir and Eid prayer. Takbir means glorification of Allah (SWT) in words narrated from the companions. The believers are urged to proclaim the greatness of Allah (SWT) in the Quran.

“All this is so that you may complete the number (of fasts as prescribed) and proclaim the Takbir of Allah for having guided you and (so) that you may be grateful.”  [al-Baqarah 2:185]

A prominent feature of Eid al-Adha is the Eid prayer (dua), which takes place in congregation. Muslims are advised to use permissible adornment for participation in Eid prayer. It is Sunnah to take a shower, wear nice clothes and use perfume before coming to the place of prayer. After Eid prayer, it is customary for believers to exchange Eid greetings and congratulate each other.

Eid al-Adha prayer is followed by Qurbani. Many Muslims offer sacrifice straight after the completion of the Eid prayer. This is to ensure participation in the Sunnah of eating from the meat of Qurbani on the day of Eid al-Adha. It is Sunnah to hold Eid al-Adha prayers early and eat after the prayer.

A dua for Eid Al-Adha can be as simple as ensuring to perform the intention of performing the Eid prayer. To do this, Muslims should set their intention by reciting the following:

“Usolli sunnata ‘idil adha rak’ataini lillah ta’ala”

I intend to pray the sunnah prayer of Eid Al Adha two raka’at for Allah, the exalted.”


When is Eid al-Adha 2025?

Eid al-Adha in the UK is expected to start on 7 June for 2025. However, the Eid al-Adha 2025 date will be determined closer to the time by the sighting of Dhul Hijjah moon.

Eid-al-Adha takes place on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah, which is the final and the sacred month of the Islamic calendar. The days of Eid al Adha are the 10th, 11th, and 12th of Dhul Hijjah.


What Day is Eid al Adha 2025?

Eid al-Adha 2025 might fall on Monday, 7 June subject to the sighting of the new moon. The first day of Eid al-Adha is also known as the day of sacrifice. The Prophet (SAW) said about this Eid:

“The greatest of days before Allah is the Day of Sacrifice.”  [Sahih Abi Dawud]

According to another report, the Prophet (SAW) said about this day:

“This is the greatest day of Hajj.”  [Bukhari,1742]


How Muslims Celebrate Eid al-Adha – The Festive Aspect

The Eid al-Adha festival of the sacrifice is prescribed by the Muslim faith. The Prophet’s (SAW) words are the reason why Muslims celebrate Eid-al-Adha with typical devotion. Comparing previous festivals to Eid al-Adha, the Prophet (SAW) said:

“Allah has given you two days better than these, the day of al-Fitr and the day of al-Adha.”  [Abu Dawud, 1134]

Apart from the spiritual aspect, Eid-al-Adha also brings an opportunity for Muslims to enjoy the day with family and friends. The following customs add excitement to Eid-al-Adha, which are shared by many Muslims:

  • Food preparation and cooking – Traditional dishes and special delicacies are prepared for family dinners, which include biryani, pulao, haleem, chicken karahi, samosas and kebabs.
  • Barbeque – Eid al-Adha brings a great chance to cook Qurbani meat on a barbeque. Some families invite friends to help with grilling and share the sacrificial feast.
  • Salted meat – Some people cook and preserve salted meat during Eid al-Adha.
  • Sweet treats – Conventional desserts are prepared to entertain guests. Some people distribute sweets and cakes to children after Eid prayer.
  • Eid money or Eid gifts– These are given to children and other family members. Children look forward to receiving gifts at the time of Eid and use Eid money to buy a gadget or fund a sightseeing trip.
  • Henna patterns – Many girls and women have their hands decorated with henna designs. It is also common for friends to get together to trace intricate patterns on each other’s hands.
  • Family trips – Some families arrange picnics or other visits to places of interest to enjoy the days of Eid with loved ones.


Sunnahs to perform during Eid al-Adha

Alongside the celebrations, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha by performing certain Sunnahs to maximise their good deeds. There are many Sunnahs to perform to cleanse and maximise good deeds on this blessed occasion. These are:

  • Take a bath or make ghusl– It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbas said “The Messenger of Allah (SWT) said: ‘This day is an ‘Eid (festival) which Allah has ordained for the Muslims. Whoever comes to Friday (prayer), let him take a bath and if he has perfume then let him put some on. And upon you (I urge to use) is the tooth stick.” [Sunan Ibn Majah]
  • Don beautiful/neat clothes– Nafi’ reported: Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, would wear his best clothes on the two Eids. [al-Sunan, al-Kubra lil-Bayhaqi 6143]
  • Apply fragrance– Muslims will apply their best fragrance on the two Eids as Allah’s Messenger would adorn the best scent available.
  • Recite Takbir– Reciting Takbir is an important Sunnah for Eid al-Adha that Muslims must perform.
  • Walk to the mosque and use a different route on the way back– Muslims should go a different route on their walk back from the mosque as Allah’s Messenger would return by a different road from the one he had taken before.
  • Perform Sunnah Eid Prayer– Muslims should perform the Sunnah Eid Prayer in the morning of Eid al-Adha.
  • Listen to the Khutbah– Listening to the Khutbah is encouraged on Eid al-Adha.
  • Eat after returning from the mosque– It is advisable for Muslims to eat after returning from the mosque, especially those who are performing the sacrifice of Qurbani. However, if he is not going to offer the sacrifice, there isn’t anything wrong with eating before the prayer.


Eid al-Adha in the UK

Eid al-Adha in the UK begins with Eid prayers in the park or an open place. The place of prayer is surrounded by stalls of food, henna, and other interesting items. In some cities, the prayer place sees fairground rides, slides and bouncy castles for children. After the prayer and Eid greetings, some families stay in the park to enjoy a picnic with other community members. Many people donate to charities helping communities and causes around the world.

Remember the less fortunate this Eid al-Adha and donate generously to Orphans in Need. Your donation can save many lives.