
• 17 February

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Hadith on Giving Charity in Islam

Charity Hadiths are not in short supply, as giving charity is one of the foundational aspects of Islam. Hadith about charity tells us that the process goes way beyond just being a social act – it’s, instead, one of spiritual significance. Hadith on giving charity are the words of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), meaning all Muslims should strive to live their lives by these sayings. When it comes to charity in Islam, Hadith tell us that it comes with a number of benefits and blessings for the giver and the recipient alike. Join Orphans in Need in the analysis of some of the most significant Hadith relating to charity.

Charity Does Not Decrease Wealth Hadith

One of the most remarkable and commonly quoted Hadith on charity is the one that assures believers that giving charity doesn’t decrease their wealth. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"Charity does not decrease wealth. No one forgives another but that Allah increases his honour. And no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah but that Allah raises his status." (Muslim)

From a literal perspective, it’s seen that giving away our wealth results in a decrease in our resources. Despite this, the matter is much more complex than this, and charity increases a person’s wealth in ways that may not be immediate or obvious. For instance, Allah (SWT) blesses the wealth of those who give in His name, and this wealth doesn’t necessarily have to be in monetary terms. After all, wealth can come in the form of good health, success in endeavours, and general contentment. This is without mentioning the sense of community and support that comes from giving charity, fostering an environment in which everyone benefits and shares the prosperity.

Muslims can rest assured that giving charity is for the greater good, as Allah (SWT) promises rewards that will keep them secure. This works to alleviate the fear of poverty and nurture a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. As a result, individuals are more comfortable, finding themselves in a culture of giving and mutual support. In fact, many Muslims have seen their charitable acts lead to unexpected sources of income, help in times of need, and a sense of fulfilment and happiness that material wealth alone can’t achieve.

Charity Removes Calamity Hadith

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) teaches us that charity has the power to ward off calamities. He said:

"Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity." (Tirmidhi)

From this Hadith, we can see the protective nature of charity, wherein giving charity works to prevent or mitigate the impact of misfortunes and adversities. Quite simply, charity is said to create a shield of divine protection around the giver, keeping them out of harm’s way.

There are two ways that we can interpret this – the first is that Allah (SWT) rewards those who give selflessly by protecting them from harm. The second is the power of community and how charitable acts work to reduce suffering and create a supportive network for those in times of crisis.

A generous community that cares for its less fortunate members fosters a stable and supportive environment in which mutual support prevents small issues that could lead to large calamities. Similarly, helping others leads to reciprocal acts of kindness, which results in a cycle of goodwill that continues to benefit everyone.

What’s more, this Hadith shows just how important it is to give charity with a sense of urgency. We shouldn’t delay in giving charity, as the immediate act of giving produces immediate effects for the giver and the recipient. As Muslims, we should seize opportunities to help others and be proactive in our charitable efforts.

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The Spiritual and Social Impact of Charity

By reading Hadith, we can develop our understanding of the spiritual and social impact of charitable acts in Islam. We find that we should be generous, trust in Allah’s (SWT) provision, and understand the broader implications of charitable deeds.

On a spiritual level, charity provides us with the opportunity to develop a closer relationship with Allah (SWT). Following in the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) footprints allows us to embody the values of compassion, empathy, and generosity. From this, we enhance our personal faith, resulting in a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

From a social perspective, charity works to address inequalities and support those who need it most. It works to create a more just and compassionate society in which resources are shared, and everyone is cared for. From the act of giving comes a sense of community and solidarity.

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