
• 18 January

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Fulfil Your Obligations with Sadaqah Wajibah

What is Sadaqah Wajibah?

The Sadaqah Wajibah meaning in English, refers to a charity that is binding in nature. These types of charity need to be performed, and even though they may not be compulsory for every Muslim, they may need to be performed by a Muslim based on their actions.

Types of Sadaqah Wajibah:

1. Sadaqatul Fitr – This is a duty for every able Muslim to pay, and it is a Sunnah. To be eligible to pay, they must be Muslim, adult, and of sound mind, as well as have the financial capabilities to pay it. To pay for this, it can be given in wheat or barley, but you can also pay for the equivalent amount of it in weight. Usually, this is just a few pounds. Muslims must pay it before Eid Salah to make sure the recipients can receive it and have it for Eid day.

2. Fidya – To make up for missed fasts or prayers of someone who is ill or unable to make them up, one must pay Fidya. This can be paid on behalf of a deceased person to compensate for their missed prayers and fasts.

3. Nadhr – This is also Wajibah. For those who make an oath to give charity, they must pay it. Muslims sometimes do this if they want to get a specific job or grade and then make an oath to give in charity should they get what they want. It should be taken seriously and paid for. If for whatever reason, they cannot pay to meet the conditions of their oath, they will need to do Kaffarah, which will be explained below.

4. Kaffarah – If someone breaks their fast on purpose, they will need to perform Kaffarah. Equally, if they break an oath or murder a person, they also need to perform Kaffarah. To fulfil Kaffarah, they need to either; free an enslaved person, if possible, fast for 60 consecutive days, or feed 60 poor people for a day if they cannot do that. Women cannot fast during their menstrual cycle, so to fast the 60 days, they will just take the days off for their menstrual cycle but continue fasting for 60 days around that cycle.

5. Udhiyyah – This refers to Qurbani, which is another Wajib act that all Muslims must perform unless they cannot. There are certain conditions for an animal to be eligible to be slaughtered, such as being over one year old, it must be a certain type of animal, and it must be slaughtered in a halal way in Allah’s (SWT) name. The meat is to be distributed in three parts – for the person, their family, and for the poor.

Is Qurbani Sadaqah Wajibah?

Yes, every able Muslim who is financially capable, adult, and of sound mind must do Qurbani. It is Sadaqah Wajibah.

Other Sadaqah

While Sadaqah Wajibah should be performed by every (able) Muslim, there are other forms of Sadaqah that are voluntary and hold immense reward, Insha’Allah. These include some of the following:

  • Lillah
  • Waqf
  • Aqeeqah

These are forms of Sadaqah Nafilah.

Why give Sadaqah?

Sadaqah Wajibah is compulsory for Muslims based on their actions and must be fulfilled. Other acts of voluntary Sadaqah and Sadaqah Jariyah should be performed regularly but are optional.

Muhammad, upon him, be peace, said: “Charity does not in any way decrease the wealth and the servant who forgives, Allah adds to his respect; and the one who shows humility, Allah elevates him in the estimation (of the people).” (Muslim)

Prophet Muhammad, upon him, be peace, said, “Protect yourself from hellfire even by giving a piece of date as charity.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

How to Give Sadaqah

You can do some of the following as acts of Sadaqah (charity):

  • Visit the sick
  • Help an elderly neighbour
  • Feed a hungry person
  • Provide water to a thirsty animal
  • Donate towards a masjid construction
  • Plant a tree
  • Gift a Qur’an to someone
  • Buy an Islamic book for someone
  • Help to build a water well or hand pump
  • Smile!
Give Sadaqah with Orphans in Need

Click here to donate to our Sadaqah Appeal. Your donations will go towards helping orphans and families who are struggling by providing them with food, water, shelter, and medication. Please donate generously – The Prophet, upon be peace, said: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)